Hang Xiong and Georgiy Bobashev present at the Second Annual IGSS Workshop

On June 10, 2021, Prof. Hang Xiong (Huazhong Agricultural University), and Dr. Georgiy Bobashev (RTI International) were invited to participate in the Second Annual IGSS (Inverse Generative Social Science) Workshop, and give a presentation on “Testing hypotheses in Agent-based models”.

“Computer simulations have the potential to provide a new approach to testing empirical hypotheses for social sciences studies. We present a method for conducting computational hypotheses using agent-based and microsimulation models. The computational hypothesis could be expressed in the form of structural parameters being equal to zero. Considering computational uncertainty intervals from simulation models instead of traditional confidence intervals in data-based hypothesis setting we can infer whether certain computational structures are indistinguishable from noise. The Occam razor principle becomes important especially when the number of validation observations is not very big. This approach allows one to develop efficient and simpler simulation models. We discuss the usefulness of this approach in applications to theoretical settings and practical simulation models in social science.”

2021年6月10日,华中农业大学教授熊航与RTI International研究员Georgiy Bobashev受邀参加第二届IGSS(Inverse Generative Social Science)研讨会,并作“Testing hypotheses in Agent-based models”的演讲,指出计算机模拟有可能为社会科学研究提供一种检验经验假设的新方法。

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