ISG: Intelligent Social Governance

Chairs: Peng Lu (Central South University,


The ASSA Special Interest Group SIG-ISG seeks advances in Intelligent Social Governance. The intelligent society governance is to fully rehearse, scientifically respond, prepare, and advance the deployment of the future intelligent society. It covers many interdisciplinary knowledge and techniques, including computational science, social science, economics, finance, law, etc. Our research areas encompass a broad spectrum, including but not limited to simulation and research on social behavior, economic behavior, legal behavior, policy formulation, urban operation, ecological governance, and other aspects in the context of an intelligent society.

Aims and activities

We aim to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers and practitioners and facilitate research on social simulation models, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence techniques to enhance social governance strategies in Asian societies.
Activities being organized by SIG-ISG include the seminar series and the special session at the ASSA annual conference.

Types of actions aimed at and expected results

The expected outcomes of the activities would be to communicate and cooperate among partners sincerely and to collaboratively develop and refine intelligent social simulation models that address specific governance challenges in Asian global societies.

Tools/channels for communications

We plan to use VOOV meetings and Zoom for the seminar series activities and face-to-face communication for the special session at the ASSA annual conference.

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