ABMOMS: ABM in Organization & Management Science

Chairs: Dehua Gao (Shandong Technology and Business University, dhuagao@sdtbu.edu.cn), Zhou He (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, hezhou@ucas.ac.cn)


The ASSA Special Interest Group on using agent-based modeling (ABM) in organization & management science seeks the advancement of the state-of-the-art in all issues regarding the ABM methodology and its applications in the research field of organization and management science. It covers a broad range of ABM knowledge and skills, including programming languages like NetLogo and R, verification and validation techniques, the design of simulation experiments, and the ODD protocol, etc. Examples of topics and scopes within which ABM is applied are organizational learning, leadership, collective decision-making, knowledge transfer & knowledge management, logistics, supply chain, operations management, information systems (IS), digital transformation, human-machine collaborative intelligence, and so on.

Aims and activities

We aim to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers and practitioners interested in utilizing ABM to study complex organizational and management phenomena.

Activities being organized by SIG-ABMOMs include the ABM reading group, seminar series, and the special session at the ASSA annual conference.

Types of actions aimed at and expected results

The expected outcomes of the activities would be to communicate and cooperate among partners sincerely and to promote the progress of using ABM to develop theories in organization & management studies.

Tools/channels for communications

We plan to use VOOV meetings and Zoom for the reading group, seminar series activities, and face-to-face communication for the special session at the ASSA annual conference.

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